Having read quite a few blogs from the Redeemer crowd and most of the time finding them very intresting, challenging and eye opening, I have concluded that the use of Blogger.com has more redeemable values then not.
Before I really get started on this whole blogging world I would have to say: Any blogger who hosts a page fully developed with hundreds of links, pictures and profiles would have to admit to spending too much time behind a computer screen.
I wish to make this clear: this is a blogsite, not my life. I refuse to make this site control my life. However, I do feel that writing blogs is a worthwhile activity and I plan to make the time to keep a current site. Because I am in a non-academic setting all day blogs make me take the time to write out a well thought out and efficiently articulated idea. It forces me to think deeper than what meets the eye. It forces me to dig for rusty vocabulary and stretch the brian which has been relaxed since highschool graduation. Personally, I find having an in-depth discussion with someone acts as a great form of self-evaluation and ultimately works the best for me. But the next best thing would be writing my thoughts out. Whether that be via pen on paper or in the new-found form of a blog.
I would like to compare my blogsite to a friend. One in which I trust to share ideas, challenges and concerns with. Expecting an honest and heart-felt response when wisdom or insight could be added or topics debated. My audience being anyone who feels that they can relate to a real and living relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.
May I conclude by saying posting and commenting on blogs can be edifying and much enjoyed, but may we not let it slow and stop our work for the kingdom of God.